Insights & Musings

Stupid, Stupider and Really Stupid
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Stupid, Stupider and Really Stupid

In 1867 Mark Twain in a letter to the Alta California wrote the following:“I am thankful that the good God creates us all ignorant. I am glad that when we change His plans in this regard, we have to do it at our own risk. It is a gratification to me to know that I am ignorant of art, and ignorant also of surgery. Because people who understand art find nothing in pictures but blemishes, and surgeons and anatomists see no beautiful women in all their lives, but only a ghastly stack of bones with Latin names to them, and a network of nerves and muscles and tissues inflamed by disease.

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Brexit – The Real Winners
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Brexit – The Real Winners

’m in London this week.It is not a happy place I’m told. The whole of the United Kingdom is riven and disunited like never before. A vote on membership of the European Union three years ago was billed as a once in a generation vote: a vote that would be “respected” by all. Three years on it is not just the vote that has not been respected by all but there is a distinct lack of respect in the political discourse that followed on from it. It has all turned very sour while the UK has left nothing – except its collective mind.However, there has been one big winner in all this.

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Remember Alamo Pictures!
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Remember Alamo Pictures!

Remember the Alamo!Yes, and now, get ready for Alamo Pictures.I was sitting on a plane recently. I was switching through the channels looking for a video to watch. The choice was okay, if you like middle of the road story lines with every predictable plot line going.I switched to the documentaries. Soon I settled into some real films about real people with some real stories to boot.

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The Beginning of the End of the Beef Industry?
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

The Beginning of the End of the Beef Industry?

I have personal beef – sorry – with the beef industry.I’m interested in this for a number of reasons, not least because I owned a ranch in Texas. I know and understand what it takes to raise cattle. I also like beef. I mean you can’t live in Texas and not like steak.Or can you?There is a growing trend for “alt meat.” Yes, you read that right, meat that is, well, not really meat.Alt meat isn't going to stay alt for long though.

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All Change!
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All Change!

“To live is to change, and to change often is to become more perfect.”Thus said the late Cardinal Newman who I’m told will be canonized next month at the Vatican. What the good cardinal said is something not just for the spiritual life, however, but something just as true in business too.Allow me to explain.A year after the death of Cardinal Newman, in 1891, a young man, not yet 30 years old, moved from Philadelphia to Chicago. He wanted to start a business but had only $32 to his name

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2019 Podcast Ecosystem
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

2019 Podcast Ecosystem

In the world of podcasting new technologies - including: AirPods, connected cars, and smart speakers - they have made it easier than ever for consumers to listen to audio content.This in turn encourages others to get on board the podcast revolution. Something we at Mt. Bonnell have done with gusto. There are now another 700,000 free podcasts available to listen to any time with many more coming on stream every month.So with so much choice, and so many creative audio alternatives where do you turn as this next wave of listening products enters an already crowded field?

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The Awesome Foursome: Looking for a Team With Personality?
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

The Awesome Foursome: Looking for a Team With Personality?

To run your own business means you need to be leader.What is a truism, however, is that to be a leader you need someone to follow you. In your case that’s the team you’ve created and built.What is also common wisdom is that you are only as good as your team.  I would go further and say that you and your team are only ever going to be as successful in so far as you understand who they are, what makes them tick, and the mix of personalities within the team you have created.

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Ignore Social Media at Your Peril – Even in Scotland
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Ignore Social Media at Your Peril – Even in Scotland

I’m in Scotland and have been learning about a funny but telling incident on social media involving a lowly Scottish football club.It all started on a cold, blustery Saturday last March when the internet was set alight with the name of one football club: Berwick Rangers.A tweet about the club had gone viral. “Ugly scenes in the dugout as Cowdenbeath’s manager has just told [Berwick manager] Johnny Harvey to ‘take his face for a sh*te’ #BRFC.”This was put out on the official Berwick Rangers tweet.

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Are We Heading for a Recession?
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Are We Heading for a Recession?

Last week I was taking a break on the island of Malta.It really is a beautiful place. Full of history and culture of all sorts and from all ages, Malta has some great restaurants too and a wonderful array of beaches. On this island you are never far from the beach no matter which way you turn.On Malta it is sunny vistas all day, every day.While enjoying a morning cappuccino thinking that all was well with the world my eyes strayed to a weekend edition of the Financial Times. It was the headline that arrested my attention straight away: ‘Sterling has finally buckled.’

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The Secrets Behind Digital Advertising Works
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

The Secrets Behind Digital Advertising Works

You may not have noticed but in June 2019 shares in Facebook and Google started to tumble downwards on the tech-heavy Nasdaq exchange. Facebook shares alone lost about $41bn or 5.7%.Why?Fears around increased government scrutiny, or as Nancy Pelosi put it up on Twitter: “The era of self-regulation is over.”The US House Judiciary Committee has opened an investigation into competition in digital markets, while the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) dividing up authority

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Policing the Recruitment in your Business
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Policing the Recruitment in your Business

Recruitment is the biggest issue you will ever face.If a business is to grow then it’s going to need not just more staff, but the right staff.Get it right and you have a winning team; get it wrong and you will not just have a failing team but all the ancillary headaches you might expect from such a situation.

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The Ups and Downs of the Federal Reserve
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

The Ups and Downs of the Federal Reserve

July 2019 will be remembered as the month the United States Federal Reserve showed its determination to fight the sluggish inflation numbers still hanging around an otherwise buoyant US economy.The Fed warned Congress that depressed prices could lead, by an inevitably, to an “unhealthy dynamic” of lower interest rates. This could mean that if a downturn in the economy was to come – and there are few signs it will – but if it did come then it leaves little room for ways to boost the economy as it tries to fight its way out of such an unhappy position – one not known for the last few years.

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One Small Step…One Giant Leap…
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

One Small Step…One Giant Leap…

America has been awash with commemorations of what sort or another for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon – now 50 years old. But on July 20, 1969 it wasn’t just the people of the United States that was glued to television screens, watching what seemed incredible then – and today seems even more incredible. The technology that landed man on the moon looks decidedly primitive by today’s standards. There is the oft repeated fact that there is more hi-tech in the average cell phone today than there was aboard Apollo 11 in 1969. 

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Let’s Make America Great Again!
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Let’s Make America Great Again!

If you have been reading these columns you’ll know how just now how good things are in the United States. The economy has taken off, and if it keeps going at this rate it will head out into space! So I was thinking about what it is that makes America great? Or, more particularly,  have been looking at the history of that great nation and what has made it great.As far as I can see it’s the people who live in those 50 States

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Good News Got Better!
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Good News Got Better!

It’s official: the United States of America is now experiencing the longest economic expansion in its history. Last Friday’s US report on jobs brought still more great news about the economy there. This is not just good news; this is great news. There are two things involved in any figures around economic growth. Namely, how much the U.S. economy produces from one year to the next and, then, as a result, how much more income Americans have relative to the previous year.

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It’s Independence Day!
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

It’s Independence Day!

And good news reported across the media on the protracted ‘trade war’ between China and the US. Around the world markets have rallied sharply as hopes of a peace deal in the US-China trade war rise. On 1 July, just in time for the holiday, shares on Wall Street hit highs after President Trump and the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, agreed to resume trade negotiations following a meeting at the G20 gathering of world leaders in Japan last weekend. As a result, the Dow Jones industrial average jumped almost 200 points in afternoon trading in New York, a record, before closing up 117 points at 26,717. The wider S&P 500 index of major American firms closed at a record high of 2964. On a day of gains around the world, the FTSE 100 closed 76 points higher at 7,502.

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The Magnificent Seven: Mt. Bonnell Advisors, Asia & Austin.
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The Magnificent Seven: Mt. Bonnell Advisors, Asia & Austin.

As you might expect, I enjoy cowboy movies. The open range, theplains, the cattle drives, the cowboys, and the saloons … and, ofcourse, the gold!So I was sitting watching The Magnificent Seven. It is a classic film butnot many know it is based on a Japanese film: The Seven Samurai.So here are my magnificent seven Mount Bonnell Advisors thoughts on Austin:

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Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn


Something was wrong, seriously wrong.Let me explain.It was Easter weekend. And, I had flown down to Malta for a spot of RNR. My phone started ‘dinging’ and ‘pinging’ at such a breakneck pace that I knew something was seriously wrong. Either the stock markets across the world had collapsed or a nuclear strike had happened somewhere. Whatever it was, it was serious that much was for sure.As it turned it out it was none of these thing – mercifully – but was in fact the most pleasant news I had had in a long time.

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The CEO as Master Detective
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

The CEO as Master Detective

The most important thing in your company is internal culture. A certain continuity and peace within a company is the thing that makes it grow. Over my years in business I have seen how this internal culture if nurtured will make your company and everyone in it succeed. I have also seen how one person operating against that culture, however, subtle they act and no matter how good they are at their job can destroy everything you have created.  

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