The Magnificent Seven: Mt. Bonnell Advisors, Asia & Austin.


As you might expect, I enjoy cowboy movies. The open range, the
plains, the cattle drives, the cowboys, and the saloons … and, of
course, the gold!

So I was sitting watching The Magnificent Seven. It is a classic film but
not many know it is based on a Japanese film: The Seven Samurai.

So here are my magnificent seven Mount Bonnell Advisors thoughts on Austin:

Mount Bonnell Advisors was born there.

Mount Bonnell Advisors has offices there.

Mount Bonnell CEO, Sebastian Sauerborn has lived there.

Mount Bonnell Advisors have many business connections there.

Mount Bonnell Advisors have appeared on local media there.

Mount Bonnell Advisors have eaten in some the best restaurants there.

Mount Bonnell Advisors all agree on their favorite city:


You either love somewhere, or you don’t – right?

Well, I love Texas, and more particularly I love Austin.

Texas is not a place: it’s a state of mind. And it sure helps my state of
mind. Something to do with the sheer size of the state: it’s big, a big
country, but it has an intimacy that is hard to take until you’ve lived
and worked there.

Texas is also an attitude. It is a place that historically has had many
flags flying over it. Maybe that’s why Texans are hard to govern
though. They are who they are and they expect governments – at
state and federal level – to stay out of the way. Whether its low taxes
or a “just do it” business atmosphere, Texans like to “do” more than
“talk”, to live according to their own rules rather than to be regulated
by someone else’s.

Each city in Texas is different. Austin, for my money at least, is the
most unique city in the whole state. A liberal college town in this
most conservative of states; a democratic voting city in dire hard
Republican territory; they tell me it is the blueberry in the tomato
soup. Still, to a foreigner, it feels like Texas, just another sort of Texas.
It’s still about freedom, enterprise, and industry. They may not be
herding cattle in Austin but they are just as busy there, albeit with
computers and tech and any other facet of modern
entrepreneurialism. They work hard there just like everyone else
around here. They play hard too in Austin. Just take a look at South-
by-South West. It is all about work but it’s also about having a party
while doing so.

When coming to do business in the United States it is worth keeping
this in mind, and that goes no matter where you decide to set up your
US operation. Remember your move is not just about business; it’s
also about life, and you need to get both sides of that equation right –

That’s why Mt. Bonnell Advisors recommends Austin, Texas as our
US gateway city. As a city it has a good vibe, one Europeans get
straightway. But it is also an American city, and one that is open for
business and it seems the more international the better. It
understands and welcomes the innovation and the investment that
comes with that business. So the city is really open for business, there
to welcome you into its community of entrepreneurs.

Take a listen to the Mt. Bonnell Media podcast series: Move Your
Business to the United States. You’ll hear real Texans talking about
business and life in the Lone Star State. That’s precisely why we
made the series. It was as if we could show you around ourselves.
Take you to meet some people who would help you in all sorts of
ways to get started doing business and living in Texas.

The series has proved popular all over the world. There are business
people listening to it across the Middle East and South Eat Asia. (It
was number one on Apple charts all over the place.) These listeners
are entrepreneurs who have already started dreaming of that
American Dream, the one that we keep going on about here at Mt.
Bonnell Advisors. Like us, they too want to be part of that dream. And

we want to help them achieve that too, just as we have also done for
many European entrepreneurs.

You see entrepreneurs have many things in common whether they
are in Austin, Austria or Australia. They find who they are through
the business idea they have ‘given birth to’ and have helped grow to
‘adulthood’. Now, they want to take that idea to a new continent and
see how it performs there. And all they want, more often than not, is
the chance to compete – and America offers that for sure.

Just as with the Hollywood film The Magnificent Seven it was an Asian
idea that made an American product such a success. So now, via the
inspiration of Move Your Business to the United States, we hope to
inspire many Asian entrepreneurs to try their luck in America today
with the help of another Magnificent Seven, namely, the good folks at
Mt. Bonnell Advisors.


It’s Independence Day!
