Insights & Musings

What Do CEOs Do Anyway?
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

What Do CEOs Do Anyway?

I’m a CEO.Have been for a number of years. And so I started thinking about my “role”.Normally the CEO is one person in your organisation who does not have a job description. That’s because it is often – certainly in the world of entrepreneurs- the CEO who has invented the company, set it up, made it all happen. But, largely on account of that, the CEO will rarely have anything resembling a job description. They may never have even thought about what it is they do, while all the time designing jobs and job descriptions for the people they are hiring.

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Work, Life And Balance
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

Work, Life And Balance

January is that time of year that reminds us all of that often repeated contemporary mantra: work-life balance.Those three words roll off the tongue and have rolled off the tongue for many an employee, boss or even, heaven forbid, an HR Executive.They have become the sort of benchmark to one’s life. If for any reason you don’t have it – that mythic balance – then somehow you are not a very good human being let alone employee.

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