Insights & Musings

On Encountering an Emperor and a King in Rural England
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

On Encountering an Emperor and a King in Rural England

About one hour from London there is a place called Farnborough. It is pretty nondescript. I have been there often, but not for the pleasures of this small town, having exhausted those after a brief walk through its center. No, for me the attraction is on a hill overlooking it. Sitting like some medieval gargoyle, all but hidden from view, there is a monastery. Such places often have interesting histories, this one has a story all its own, and it starts at the Battle of Waterloo.Napoleon may have gone into exile after that final defeat, but this was not to be the end of what is still known as the Bonapartist Dynasty. It resurfaced in what was to become the Second Empire. But, like the “First Empire”, this was to be destroyed by a Prussian, only this time not by Blücher but by Bismark.

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