Insights & Musings

New Podcast: Factual America
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

New Podcast: Factual America

A new podcast is bornYou may have remembered that a few weeks ago I mentioned Alamo Pictures?It is my new venture to bring some great US based documentaries to the widest audience possible. We’re talking feature length documentaries appearing at movie theatres and film festivals, on Netflix and television. This idea has grown out of some of the work we were doing at Mt. Bonnell Media. There we produced films and podcasts for clients. It was not just great fun also a testing ground for could be done.And, now, what could be done has been born with a name: Alamo Pictures.

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2019 Podcast Ecosystem
Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn

2019 Podcast Ecosystem

In the world of podcasting new technologies - including: AirPods, connected cars, and smart speakers - they have made it easier than ever for consumers to listen to audio content.This in turn encourages others to get on board the podcast revolution. Something we at Mt. Bonnell have done with gusto. There are now another 700,000 free podcasts available to listen to any time with many more coming on stream every month.So with so much choice, and so many creative audio alternatives where do you turn as this next wave of listening products enters an already crowded field?

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Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn Sebastian's Musings Sebastian Sauerborn


Something was wrong, seriously wrong.Let me explain.It was Easter weekend. And, I had flown down to Malta for a spot of RNR. My phone started ‘dinging’ and ‘pinging’ at such a breakneck pace that I knew something was seriously wrong. Either the stock markets across the world had collapsed or a nuclear strike had happened somewhere. Whatever it was, it was serious that much was for sure.As it turned it out it was none of these thing – mercifully – but was in fact the most pleasant news I had had in a long time.

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