

If you enter my hometown's cathedral, the Freiburger Münster, and walk to the sides of its hushed medieval interior then you will come to a series of tombs. These are the stone monuments to nobles and knights who lived long ago.

It is sobering to read the inscriptions upon such structures. They talk of lives, often brief by modern standards, and of pedigree, of lands, sometimes of battles. They speak to us even now of the ever-present battle of life. One upon which, for better or for worse, we are all engaged currently. These tombs also bear testament to families.

My business start was with my father. It worked out for me; I got the start I needed, and from there headed to Switzerland before on to the City of London. It may have worked out for me in terms of career advancement. But my relationship with my father was fraught. In life we were well suited; in business we were ill matched; I realize that now. He had his ideas of what I should do in the family business; I had my own hopes and dreams to say nothing of a different aptitude.


America at the Crossroads


Remember What it Takes to Succeed