It’s called America


Hello, let me introduce myself, Sebastian Sauerborn here.

I am originally from Germany but live and work in both Europe and the United States. Of course, like you, I run my own business. I help people run their businesses more efficiently: tax, legal, you know the type of thing.

But that’s not why you’re here. And not why I want to talk to you.

You see I have a dream. In fact, it’s about your dream, and making it come true.

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than helping people. No, really. It’s true of all of us. Think about how you feel when your daughter beams: ‘Thank you, Daddy’. Or when your business partner shakes your hand, or that investor says: ‘Well done’. Or when that person who is struggling with a suitcase up an escalator is helped to carry her load. The smile, the thanks, it’s all been worth it.

So I get it: helping people is good for me as much as for the person I help: the bigger the task, the bigger the thanks. And that is why I’m talking to you. It’s about making your dream, that very big dream, come true.


Stop for a minute.

Will you humor me a little, and close your eyes. Now just allow that dream to surface one more time.

You can see it coming into your mind’s eye, right?Like a cloud drifting across a wide-open parched prairie, it’s there. And it has a name.


Land of the Free.

Land of the Brave.

And land of the Entrepreneur.

Name me another place on the planet that is so business-friendly, or as rich. Or a place that values those who try and fail, and try again, try harder, and then succeed. You see the men and women who built what became known as the United States, they too came from the Old World with a dream. It was the dream of a better world, for them and for their families. A world where they could walk free, say whatever they liked to whomsoever, and watch as their children played in the sunlit fresh plains they lived and worked upon. They also knew something else. To make any dream a reality takes courage. Courage enough to be scared to death but unfazed enough to saddle up anyway.

Yes, courage, real courage, not the cheap stuff you see in a movie. No. It’s the stuff that puts your life and your livelihood on the line. The stuff that gets up early and goes to bed late; the stuff that takes ‘no’ for an answer time and again until that‘yes’ changes everything; it’s the grit when the bills are coming in and you hang on in there; it’s the courage to face the world with a business idea, and then wait till it comes round to your way of thinking…

No surrender, no compromise, no matter how many knockbacks, no matter how many tell you it just can’t be done.

You’ve been there. I know it. That’s why you are who you are, and why I’m talking to you right now because, believe me; I’ve been there too.

So today you are successful but more importantly, you are battle hardened. Okay, on to do battle for that other dream, that other reality that keeps beckoning, that other horizon that looms large in your mind’s eye.

You made it in Europe. Fine. Enough for you? It’s not quite enough, is it? America… America keeps coming into your mind….

Listen I’ve been there too. I had offices in Germany, Ireland and the UK, and yet, there was that other horizon. I’d lie awake at night and wonder. Could I make it there? Could I really make it in America? So I went for it. Texas. Why not? It’s a big state and I had big dreams.

Within a year, I had a ranch, a cowboy hat and some cattle. I also had a business- still do, but more about that another time.

What I’m here to tell you is that it can be done. I’ll say that again: it can be done. That dream of moving your business and your life to another continent, to the continent, the richest place the world has ever known, it can be done. I did it and I’m here – you’re here – for us to turn this into a reality.

So kick back and dream some more. We here at Mt. Bonnell need to know how big your dreams really are so we can tailor our solutions to that ‘landscape’. If you are not dreaming big enough then maybe you need to think again. But we can help you with that too.

In fact, at Mt. Bonnell we can assist you with just about whatever it is you need.

Legal: tick.

Tax: tick.

Banking: tick.

Business address: tick.

And all the rest…

We can find you the business networks, the technical infrastructure, the right contacts with the right people, so all you have to do is do what you do best. Turn up and trade!

Together, we can also find you and your family a home. We can settle you and them – whether it is schools or day care, whether it is soccer mums or tickets for the ball game, or just a good dentist – we know where they are and who they are.

But remember the dream remains only a dream with your eyes closed.

But then again, you’re looking at this page, so you have already begun to open them.

Mt. Bonnell is here to expand that vision still further. It is also here to set goals, making this new vision a reality. Step by step, email-by-email, meeting-by-meeting. You did it once with your business; together we can do it again.

Only this time what’s at stake is an even bigger dream, and it’s called: America.



Small Towns, Big Country