How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul


Mt. Bonnell Media never stops.

No, really, the guys there are hard at it 24/7. It’s not just the production pipeline for all the media enterprises here at Mt. Bonnell; it’s also our thought incubator.

You see we make media to entertain and inform but not just for you – we do it to inform ourselves. I get a chance whether it’s on video or podcast to sit down and talk to, ask questions of, listen to, break bread with some of the world’s leading thought leaders, some very successful businessmen and women and, of course, plenty of fellow entrepreneurs.

It’s a joy and a privilege. It’s also an education.

Talking of an education I ‘ve a feeling that our next podcast series is going to be smash. How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul is a podcast series exploring business ethics in an entertaining and anecdotal way.

The series will be a Mt. Bonnell Media production in conjunction with the series sponsors who will be announced shortly – keep an eye to the website.

The first series of How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul consists of seven episodes each running to approximately 30 minutes. Mt. Bonnell’s very own Kevin Turley (Move Your Business to the United StatesMove to TexasU.S. Entrepreneur TV) hosts the series. He told me he had learnt a lot during the making of the series. Laughing, I told Kevin that told me a lot about where he was coming from to begin with! Seriously though, during each episode City of London lawyer Antonio Irastorza guides Kevin through the temptations and dilemmas of ‘City life’ onto a better path of how to succeed not just in business, but, also, how to succeed as a human being. The whole thrust of the series is to explode the myth that to get ahead in business one has somehow to become less of a human being. Antonio has over 40 years experience of work and life in the City and has seen it all and experienced the up and downs, highs and lows of the everyday cut and thrust of life in that fabled Square Mile. We were lucky to have him as guide on the show as what Antonio demonstrates through his own experience and success in business is that one doesn’t have to be ruthless in the pursuit of that crock of gold. What this series shows the listener is another way, another path that can be taken to the top, and one that leads to an even greater fulfilment.

Each episode of How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul will focus on a particular virtue/quality needed to succeed in business: ambition, courage, resilience, humility, leadership, diligence, and daring. It will be a mix of conversation and dialectic, interspersed with a relevant soundscape, all aimed at making the listening experience as engrossing as it is enlightening. I’ve heard part of it and can’t wait to hear the rest – believe me, you’re in for a treat.

Each episode was recorded on location in London. Thereafter, the master tapes were ferried to Raven House Studios where the series producer and Mt. Bonnell’s Senior Content Producer Emmett Glynn sets to work on the sound recordings: editing, mixing and then, finally, adding the relevant soundtrack effects/music. It’s needs not just about creative flair, projects such as this need a lot of high level technical know how, and here at Mt. Bonnell we have that covered for our own media projects and those of our clients.

Each episode may only be 30 minutes but that does not reveal the amount of work that has gone into this series. First off there is the idea. Never underestimate how much one original idea can set media alight – and conversely how no original ideas kills any media enterprise. The genesis of How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul started on top of a mountain in Spain but you’ll have to listen in to the series to pick up the clues about that.

Once the series was green lit then there were hours of research and preparatory interviewing, plus the seeking out of suitable locations. Next is the time it takes to record everything and everyone – sound engineer, show host and guest. Then there is the hire of recording equipment, use of studio facilities, use of and clearance for original music, sound mixing, editing, and the completed delivery of broadcast quality MP3/Wav audio files. And any series needs some marketing ideas so we provide the original artwork needed for the series as well.  This is all before we come to the various audio platforms that listeners expect when searching for a series such as this. So, eventually, all the usual suspects have to be rounded up and fully loaded: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Spotify.

We love what we do at Mt. Bonnell Media.  Not only is it crafting some great entertainment about the entrepreneurial journey, but we also like to think that that content is as thought provoking as it is compelling.

How to Succeed in Business Without Selling Your Soul is due out soon, so keep an eye and ear out for it, you won’t be disappointed – and, thankfully, you don’t have to sell anything to listen to it, it’s all free on the usual platforms and this website.


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