Dublin’s SXSW Blast Off!

Dublin is a great city to visit.

No doubt about it: the history, the culture, the food and drink, this is a city that assaults all your senses and all at once.

Any time of year it has a charm all its own. The people, the pubs, the pure joy of living – all is clearly on display on the city’s pretty and stately streets.

I love it.

These thoughts were going through my mind as I was being driven through the city’s crowded streets heading for one of Dublin’s most exclusive addresses. Past iconic monuments to Ireland’s troubled past, now mercifully long gone, and newer monuments to the country’s bright new future. There are many multi-national and American companies with their European headquarters here. Given what is happening across the Irish Sea I see this trend only increasing – don’t you?

Dublin is one of the places where Mount Bonnell has offices. The Irish capital is soon to become the headquarters of our operations working within the European Union. Many from Ireland and elsewhere across Europe want to do business with the Americans and we want to ensure that they achieve that goal. So that night I was on my way to the US Ambassador’s residence in Phoenix Park.

As it happened I had made my taxi driver’s day. A true ‘Dub’ – lifelong resident of Dublin – he had never been through the legendary gates of the residence in the center of the largest park in Europe. He was thrilled to chauffer me through them even if the security was like nothing he had experienced elsewhere in the city. To be honest I was intrigued as we pulled up outside this Georgian mansion set in its own grounds. From the distinctive Irish architecture I could have been anywhere in Ireland’s countryside and, yet, I was in the heart of the Irish capital. But this was also diplomatic territory. The huge Stars and Stripes proudly flown outside next to a bust of Abraham Lincoln told anyone present that this was a slice of America transplanted to Ireland.

I was ushered into the embassy.  The acting ambassador, Reece Smyth, was hosting the event. It was to be the send off for the Irish contingent heading to this year’s Austin’s South-by-South West (SXSW).  Reece warmly greeted me. In person he is as charming as you would expect from one of the representatives of one of the friendliest countries in the world. And Reece is a Texan as well – how could we not hit it off? But both Reece and his team at the embassy are not just a welcoming bunch, they are as pro-business and pro-entrepreneurialism as we are at Mount Bonnell. Like minds, we are all definitely on the same page.

As it turned out the event had all the efficiency of America and all the charm and personality that the world has come to expect from the Irish genius. To say it was a success would be an understatement. The music and the chat – or as the Irish say the ‘Craic’ – was as you would expect in the capital city of a nation that appears to have some sort of copyright on charm and entertainment.

Austin’s SXSW is now one of the biggest festivals in the world. From hi-tech to the Blues, from AI to Indie music, it attracts people from all over the world. And that has created a global audience for all that is talked about and discussed there. Mount Bonnell will of course be in the thick of things. We creatives like to consume excellent media content so we will be checking out some great bands, some innovative documentaries, and even more new ideas in the world of tech and entrepreneurialism. And, if the truth were told, we like to create it just as much. The whole media division is going there. As you would expect, we shall be reporting on what is happening. We shall also be making content for our clients during the festival – some of which will be going live at the end of each day- stay tuned.

Now there are two major stands at SXSW this year. They are AI and crypto-currency. We intend to be reporting fully on both of these exciting but often misunderstood phenomenon. What the world will look like in years to come both financially and creatively no one can guess. What it may look like, however, is definitely going to be showcased and discussed at SXSW. Because that is where the early adopters gather. The types of people who have moved way beyond the things that only a couple of years ago were considered cutting edge. SXSW is the place for the dreamers and the visionaries, for the prophets and the rebels, the creators and the disruptors, and Mount Bonnell is buying the drinks!

If you are reading this and going to SXSW then get in touch – contact details on this website – we can at least say ‘hi’, who knows where it will lead. If you are not able to attend, don’t despair, Mount Bonnell is going to take you there virtually through our videos and podcasts.

That night I was the last to leave the embassy party. My driver was as excited to pick me up as he had been to drop me off. As we drove through the now dark and misty park, empty and silent, He asked how the party had been. I replied:

“ It was all I expected and much more besides…”

Just as the American Dream has turned out, and no doubt shall turn out again, for many Mount Bonnell clients.

SXSW here we come!


Remember the Alamo!


German - American